| 期刊論文- 學年度: 96
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: Adoption of the mobile Internet
- 作者順序: 25
- 期刊名稱: OMEGA
- 發表卷數: 1
- 發表期數: 35
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2007
- 摘要: Multimedia message service (MMS) provides more multimedia communication with entertainment effects than current text based short message service (SMS). While many reports indicate that the mobile Internet market will be huge, little is known about whether people will accept MMS. This study applies innovation diffusion theory to examine the factors that influence the adoption of MMS. The proposed model was empirically evaluated by using survey data collected from 207 users concerning their perceptions of MMS. The findings indicate that perceptions of use were different over innovation diffusion stages. Specifically, there was a significant difference between potential adopters and users. The results may provide further insights into MMS marketing strategies.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 95
- 學年度: 97
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 銀行E化研究:以顧客關係管理系統為例
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華技術學院學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 38
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2008
- 摘要: 中華技術學院學報, Vol.38, 301-312.
顧客關係管理(CRM)為企業 e 化過程中最重要的策略議題,以往 CRM 相關研究都侷限於以國外個案在系統層面建置或策略實施為探討重點,忽略以使用者認知角度評估 CRM 導入之關鍵因素。本研究以銀行業為例,分析銀行業導入 CRM 意願 之關鍵因素,以及目前 CRM 在銀行業應用現況,並探討已導入 CRM 銀行與未導入 CRM 銀行使用者的認知差異性。研究結果發現,已導入 CRM 銀行著重在資料倉儲的應用,銷售業績與預期成效都有明顯的提昇,而未導入 CRM 銀行認為在電話中心的使用最重要。建議未來應朝向顧客資料分析及不同溝通管道整合應用。透過此次 CRM 在銀行業的初探,期望提供給管理者在實行 CRM 時之決策參考。
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides a powerful information management system which can help enterprises to understand their existing customers, attract profitable potential customers, and cross-sell to make more profits. Because of the importance of the willing to the establishment of CRM and the lack of related empirical studies, this research attempts to explore the critical factors of the intention toward the using of CRM and investigate the differences on the willing between the banks that have established CRM systems and the banks that have not yet established CRM systems. Base on the research, we find that the banks that have established CRM systems emphasize on data warehouse and the banks that have not yet established CRM emphasize on the utilization of phone center. This result provides suggestions to the banks that have not yet established CRM systems should emphasize on data warehouse and the utilization of multi-channel to customers.
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 97
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 顧客關係管理系統導入對顧客滿意度及忠誠度的影響:以壽險業為例
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華技術學院學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 38
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2008
- 摘要: 中華技術學院學報, Vol.38, 313-323.
本文探討顧客關係管理對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度的影響。Customer Relationship Management (CRM) 主要是蒐集顧客基本資料,藉由 IDIC 四大循環程序:Identification、Differentiation、Interaction and Customization 的過程,掌握顧客需求變動,進而提升顧客滿意度與忠誠度。本研究利用PLS 進行分析,研究發現 CRM 對顧客滿意度及顧客忠誠度有顯著正向影響;經 t-value 檢定得知顧客確認對滿意度、顧客分級對滿意度、顧客互動對滿意度、客製化對滿意度及顧客滿意度對顧客忠誠度,都存在顯著正向影響。
Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is critical factors to customer’s satisfaction and loyalty. However, little of research had shown the influences for CRM to satisfaction and loyalty. Our study provides IDIC model to figure out the influence of CRM to customer’s satisfaction and loyalty. Our study finds that Identification, Differentiation, Interaction and Customization are significant to satisfaction; in the meanwhile, satisfaction is significant to loyalty.
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 97
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: Multimedia Messaging Service acceptance of pre- and post-adopters: a sociotechnical perspective
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: Int. J. Mobile Communications
- 發表卷數: Vol. 6
- 發表期數: No. 5
- 發表月份: 4
- 發表年份: 2008
- 摘要: Multimedia Messaging Service (MMS) may be one of the killer
applications in mobile internet. While past studies using Technology
Acceptance Model (TAM) to predict acceptance behaviour from a technology
perspective, little is known about the report of social perspective on the
acceptance behaviour. This study presents an extended TAM that integrates the
social influence theory, Perceived User Resource into the TAM to investigate
what determines the MMS acceptance of pre- and post-adopters. The proposed
model was empirically tested using a data collected from a survey of 238 MMS
pre- and post-adopters. The findings indicate that pre-adopters were mainly
attracted by technological factors, whereas post-adopters were influenced by
social determinants. The result suggests that the practitioner should make
efforts to societal as well as technological motivation.
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 95
- 學年度: 98
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 顧客關係管理系統導入對金融業顧客滿意度及忠誠度的影響
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華技術學院學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 40
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2009
- 摘要: 中華技術學院學報, Vol.40, 61-76.
競爭激烈的金融業,已進入全球化,國際化,顧客服務已經成為企業生存競爭利器,因此如何在競爭的金融業中提升並改善服務品質來維持企業形象,藉此,提升顧客滿意度及忠誠度已成為金融業當前重要課題。以往 CRM 相關研究都侷限於以企業系統層面建置或策略實施為探討重點,忽略以使用者認知角度評估 CRM 導入之滿意及忠誠度影響。本研究分析銀行業導入 CRM 系統對顧客滿意度之關鍵因素,探討使用者對金融業導入 CRM 之忠誠度影響。針對 20 至 50 歲且與社會大眾進行研究,細分為顧客確認、顧客分級、顧客互動、客製化服務、顧客滿意度以及顧客忠誠度六方面進行調查。本研究發現顧客對於金融業所提供的服務,總體滿意度趨為滿意,顧客的滿意程度愈高,會提升顧客的再購意願,進而造就顧客對於銀行的忠誠度,服務的品質就如同是品牌,品質愈好,忠誠度也就愈高。此結果可提供金融業顧客關係管理系統建置參考依據。
The wave of internationalization and digitization force the banks facing the tough globcompetition. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides enterpreises themost valuable asset which can help enterprises to enhance the relationships with theirexisting customers. This research attempts to explore the influence effect of CRM, suchas identification, differentiation, interaction, and custermization, on the satisfaction and loyalty of using CRM. Base on the research, we find that the financial institutions, withthe CRM systems, get higher degree of satisfaction and loyalty from customers. Thisresult provides some suggestions and implications to the utilization of CRM in financialinstitutions.
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 99
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 共同基金顧客知覺價值之研究—以台灣銀行財富管理部門客戶為例
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 42
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2010
- 摘要: 中華科技大學學報, Vol.42, 87-109.
近年來台灣銀行業的策略已從傳統「存放利差」轉向「手續費收入」。隨著國人對財富管理的需求逐漸擴大,國內各家銀行紛紛成立財富管理部門,由專人專職為客戶提供貴賓級理財服務,理財服務之內容多以買賣基金為主。本研究參考Lee and Cunningham(1996)之價值模式,以「服務品質」及「企業形象」來定義知覺利益;知覺成本則包含了「知覺貨幣成本」與「知覺風險」兩部分,探討這些預測變數如何影響銀行共同基金投資人的知覺價值與顧客忠誠度。經問卷及資料分析後發現:服務品質、企業形象對知覺價值有顯著的正向影響,知覺風險對知覺價值會有顯著的負向影響,但知覺成本對知覺價值的負向影響不能成立;知覺價值對顧客忠誠度也有顯著的正向影響。
The banks in Taiwan have shifted business strategy from traditional “interest income” to “commission income” in recent years. Gradually, along with the greater demand for wealth management from local people, domestic banks started to establish wealth management providing bankers with expertise who could offer VIP level financial services for their customers. The services primarily include funds buying and selling. This research refers to the value pattern used by Lee and the Cunningham (1996) to define perceived benefit with “service quality” as well as “corporate image”. However, perceived cost comprises “perceived monetary cost” and “perceived risk”. This research further discusses how these variables affect consumer's perceived value and loyalty. According to the analysis results after retrieving questionnaires, we obtained some research conclusions. They are showed as follows: Service quality and corporate image have significant and positive influence on perceived value while perceived risk has negative influence on perceived value; Perceived cost cannot bring negative influence on perceived values; Perceived value also has the noticeable positive influence on customer loyalty.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 99
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 網路銀行的採用研究—以科技接受模式與信任為研究基礎
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 43
- 發表月份: 4
- 發表年份: 2010
- 摘要: 中華科技大學學報, Vol.43, 253-271.
The importance of internet in banking service development is well known. Thee-banking help the bank to increase the customer loyalty. However, few studies had assessed empirically the effects of trust dimension on e-banking adoption. This study attempts to extent TAM by trust to try to find out the factors influencing the e-banking customer’s adoption. Base on the research, we find that perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, and trust is significant to the customer’s adoption. This result provides insight suggestions to the management of the bank.
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 100
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 網路社群遊戲不持續使用研究
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 48
- 發表月份: 7
- 發表年份: 2011
- 摘要: 中華科技大學學報, Vol.48, 161-177.
本研究嘗試探討,網路社群遊戲參與者的主要使用特徵,以及網路社群遊戲成員的不持續使用與負面口碑之影響因素為何,並嘗試以「顧客認知犧牲」、「遺憾」、「認知有趣」、「社會影響」作為影響網路社群遊戲成員的「不持續使用」與「負面口碑」之研究因素調查。研究資料收集是透過網路問卷調查來進行,藉由周遭親朋好友、傳送電子郵件告知本研究網址,並由其在轉至其他受測,且在各論壇或討論區隨機發放問卷,此問卷共回收 198 份,有效問卷為 171 份。研究結果顯示,網路社群遊戲中顧客認知犧牲與遺憾對於放棄使用網路社群遊戲之影響非常顯著,而認知有趣與社會影響對於放棄使用網路社群遊戲不顯著,研究結果也發現,不論是繼續使用或是放棄使用,大部分網路社群遊戲之使用者皆會產生負面口碑,其中顧客認知犧牲、遺憾與社會影響更為顯著。本研究模型使用 PLS 進行模型驗證,本研究結果顯示,社群遊戲之使用者對於不繼續使用,主要是受到顧客認知犧牲、遺憾的影響,負面口碑主要是受到顧客認知犧牲、遺憾、社會影響的影響,期望本研究結果能夠作為社群遊戲經營者及研究者的參考。
As well as members of the social networking continue to increase. Social network game play the critical role to the growth of social networking. This study attempts to explore the influence factor in the social network games’ discontinue and negative word-of-mouth by emotion context, such perceived sacrifice, perceived playfulness, and regret, as well as the social context, such as social influence. Datas were conducted by online survey and a total of 171 of questionnaires were collected. The results show that the discontinue is influenced by perceived sacrifice and regret, as well as the negative word-of-mouth was influenced by perceived sacrifice, regret, and social influence. We hope the result can provide the suggestions to the researcher and manager of social network game.
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 101
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 手機應用程式服務使用態度及再購意願研究—以蘋果公司的 App Store 為例
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 50
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2012
- 摘要: 中華科技大學學報, VOL.50, 169-189.
隨著智慧型手機的快速成長,手機應用程式服務創造出新的商機。蘋果公司的應用程式商店(App Store)自2008年在網路上開張以來,上線兩個月就寫下一億次下載的驚人紀錄,一舉開創出手機應用服務龐大的商機,也成為世界最大的流動應用平臺。本研究延伸科技接受模型(TAM),探討顧客認知面的知覺有用、知覺易用、知覺價格及情感面的知覺有趣,對手機應用程式服務(以蘋果公司的App Store為例)之使用態度及再購意願的影響。經相關文獻之理論探討,建立研究假設,並以擁有 iPhone 手機及購買過手機應用程式之使用者為問卷填答的對象,回收有效問卷 177 份。經由實證分析,本研究之發現如下:一、使用態度對再購意願有正向的影響。二、知覺有用、知覺易用、知覺有趣及知覺價格對手機應用程式服務之使用態度均有顯著正向的影響,其中影響最大的是知覺價格,其次分別為知覺有趣、知覺有用及知覺易用。三、知覺易用會正向影響知覺有用與知覺有趣,證實知覺易用除了對使用態度有直接影響外,也可透過知覺有用與知覺有趣對使用態度產生間接影響。最後,本研究結果針對經營手機應用程式服務的相關廠商及程式設計者提出具體建議。
Since 2008, Apple's application store applications wrote an amazing record for one hundred million downloads and create huge business opportunities for mobile application services. Apple's App Stores have become the world's largest mobile application platform and are the most successful role models for current mobile application stores. Based on Technology Acceptance Model, this research explores perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use and perceived price on customer recognition as well as perceived playfulness on emotional side. For those application services like Apple’s App Stores, this research uses questionnaires to investigate consumers’ usage attitude and repurchase intention. The structural equation modeling (SEM) technique will be managed to confirm the proposed model. The results are expected to provide solid recommendations to related vendors for App Store and programmers.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 101
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 應用消費者接受模式探討手機應用程式服務之再購意願
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 電子商務研究
- 發表卷數: 10
- 發表期數: 3
- 發表月份: 9
- 發表年份: 2012
- 摘要: 電子商務研究, Volumn.10, No.3, 235-256.
隨著智慧型手機的快速成長,手機應用程式服務創造出新的商機。蘋果公司應用程式商店(App Store)自 2008 年在網路上開張以來,上線兩個月就寫下一億次下載的驚人紀錄,一舉開創出手機應用服務龐大的商機,也成為世界最大的流動應用平臺。本研究參考 Kulviwat 等人 5 之消費者科技接受模型,增加認知面的知覺價格變項,以整合性觀點,探討認知面及情感面因素對手機應用程式服務(以蘋果公司的 App Store為例)使用態度及再購意願的影響。經相關文獻之理論探討,建立研究假設,以臺灣地區擁有 iPhone 手機且購買過手機應用程式服務之使用者為問卷填答的對象,回收有效問卷 176 份。本研究之發現如下:一、使用態度對再購意願有正向的影響。二、認知面的知覺有用、知覺易用、知覺價格及情感面的愉悅、喚起對手機應用程式服務的使用態度均有顯著正向的影響,其中影響最大的因素是知覺價格。三、知覺易用會正向影響知覺有用,證實知覺易用對使用態度有直接影響外,也可透過知覺有用對使用態度產生間接影響。最後,本研究結果將對經營手機應用程式服務的相關廠商及程式設計者提出具體建議。
The rapid growth in smartphone penetration has clearly helped mobile commerce to gain increasing acceptance amongst users. The App Store has been more successful than anyone could have ever imagined. This study explores the potential of a consumer technology acceptance model and integrated cognitive and emotional factors in examining structural relationships among mobile application services characteristics, the use of attitude and repeat purchase intention for App services. Through an online survey method, the 176 valid questionnaires obtained from Taiwan users of a mobile application services identified perceived m-commerce characteristics consisting of four factors: perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived price, pleasure, arousal, and dominance. Through empirical analysis, this study found that repurchase intention will has positive influence, whereas the perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived price and emotional side of pleasure and arousal of the use of mobile application services have significant positive impact on the usage attitude. The most influential factor is the perceived price. Managerial implications for practitioners and researchers are discussed in the context of m-commerce.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 101
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 銀行投資人購買共同基金影響因素之研究
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 50
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2012
- 摘要: 中華科技大學學報, VOL.50, 191-214.
根據「 2008 年投信投顧產業形象與基金投資行為調查」顯示全台有 36.2% 民眾曾投資過基金或連結基金的投資型保單,基金投資已被視為個人理財不可或缺的工具。本研究探討共同基金投資人之顧客知覺價值是否會受到知覺價格、資訊品質、情感性價值、社會性價值及知覺風險的影響,了解共同基金顧客知覺價值對再購意願及口碑的影響,並探討慣性對共同基金顧客知覺價值與再購意願、口碑之間關係之干擾效果。經相關文獻之理論探討,建立研究假設,並以曾經向銀行財富管理部門購買過共同基金的投資人--有理專服務為問卷填答對象,回收有效問卷共 331 份。經由實證分析,本研究之發現如下:一、知覺價格、資訊品質、情感性價值、社會性價值對共同基金之顧客知覺價值均有顯著正向的影響;知覺風險對共同基金顧客知覺價值有顯著負向的影響。二、共同基金之顧客知覺價值對再購意願與口碑均有顯著正向的影響。三、慣性在知覺價值對於再購意願之影響關係上,存在負面的干擾效果;慣性對於知覺價值對口碑的影響,並未存在負面的干擾效果。最後,本研究結果針對銀行財富管理部門提出具體建議。
The investors on Funds or linked funds in Taiwan are growing in recent years. Funds investment is deemed the indispensable tool for personal financial investment. This study aimed to analyze whether mutual fund customer perceived values are affected by perceived price, perceived risk, information quality, emotional value, and social value after financial tsunami in 2007. We try to understand the impact with the mutual funds to repurchase intention and word-of-mouth. Furthermore, this research tried to find the relation between customers’ perceived value, repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth with the inertia. Based on the empirical analysis, we found that: 1. The perceived price, information quality, emotional value, and social value have significant positive impact on mutual fund customers’ perceived value while perceived risk have negative impact. 2. The mutual fund customers’ perceived value has positive impact on repurchase intentions and word-of-mouth. 3. Inertia decline the relation between customers’ perceived value and repurchase intention, and the interfere effect of inertia between customers’ perceived value and word-of-mouth is not remarkable. Finally, some suggestions were made to Wealth Management in Banking Industry according to our research findings.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 102
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: Why do people continue to play social network game (SNG)?
- 作者順序: 25
- 發表卷數: Vol.5, No.4
- 發表期數: 無
- 發表月份: 12
- 發表年份: 2013
- 摘要: Purpose –The purpose of this study is to examine the determining factors of social network game (SNG) players’ intentions on word-of-mouth and continue to use by social and emotional perspectives.
Design/methodology/approach –This study proposes a model constructed by affection perspective (PA theory) and social perspective (such as Social Influence, Social Interaction, and Perceived Sharing). 276 subjects was conducted to test this model. The confirmatory factor analysis was performed to examine the reliability and validity of the measurement model. The structural equation modeling technique was used to evaluate the causal model.
Findings –The results demonstrate that interstate of arousal leads people to a higher level of continue to use on SNG. Users’ perceptions of social interaction significant affected word-of-mouth. Additionally, word-of-mouth and continue to use were positively influenced by perceived sharing. Moreover, word-of-mouth had significant impact continue to use, which showed that the impact of the dimension of continue to use on the word-of-mouth.
Research limitations/implications –This study provides an insight into factors contributing to the intention of word-of-mouth and the intention of continue to use for social network games by emotional context and social context. Moreover, it was found that sharing was a key factor in determining a player’s intentions to word-of-mouth and continuous use on social network game.
Practical implications – SNG providers should not only enhance emotional functions, but also develop social functions to help user stay for longer time in games. Through the increasing of stickiness and word-of-mouth for SNG, the games providers could create the higher value from loyalty customers.
Originality/value –This paper contributes to an insight of the effects of players’ intentions on word-of-mouth and continues to use on SNG.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 60
- 發表地點: 95
- 學年度: 103
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: Continuance intention of Facebook check-in service users: An integrated model
- 作者順序: 26
- 期刊名稱: Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal
- 發表卷數: 42
- 發表期數: 10
- 發表月份: 12
- 發表年份: 2014
- 摘要: Purpose – Facebook services which allow users to check in at places and broadcast their location to peers have gained attention recently. However, little is known about why people continue to use check-in service. This study attempted to develop an integrated model applicable for use within the social network context. The analysis revealed that the proposed theoretical model provided an in-depth understanding of users’ continuance intention toward Facebook check-in services.
Based on expectation confirmation theory and related technology adoption literatures, this study considered perceived usefulness, perceived playfulness, confirmation, satisfaction, and social norms as the determinants of continuance intention to use check-in services. The proposed model was empirically evaluated using randomized survey data collected from 222 users.
The results revealed that the direct path between perceived usefulness to continuance intention and satisfaction was insignificant and perceived playfulness had a significant influence on satisfaction and continuance intention. Privacy concern does not seem to influence the direct path between satisfaction and continuance intention. In addition, the results revealed that users’ satisfaction not only was influenced by confirmation but also by perceived playfulness.
The paper verifies the effect of satisfaction, confirmation, perceived usefulness, perceived playfulness, and social norms on the continuance intention of check-in services users. Privacy concern does not seem to influence the direct path between satisfaction and continuance intention in a check-in service context.
Keywords: Expectation Confirmation Theory, Privacy Concern, Check-in Services, Continuance Intention, Social Network Sites (SNSs), Facebook, Location-Based Services (LBS).
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 60
- 發表地點: 95
- 學年度: 105
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: A fuzzy model to green supplier selection using AHP, ARAS and MCGP approach
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: Transylvanian Review
- 發表卷數: XXIV
- 發表期數: 8
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2016
- 摘要: Green supplier selection is an important issue in green supply chain management (GSCM). In recent years, determining the best supplier in the green supply chain has become a key strategic for firm. Since the decision usually involves several objectives or criteria, green supplier selection process is a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) problems. The purpose of this paper is proposed a technique to solve green supplier evaliation and selection problems. Considering both qualitative and quantitative criteria for green supplies evaluation and selection, a novel integrated method include fuzzy analytic hierarchy process (FAHP), fuzzy additive ratio assessment (ARAS-F) and fuzzy multi-choice goal programming (MCGP-F) approach have been introduced in this paper. The advantage of this method is that it allows decision makers to set multi-objective aspiration levels for green supplier selection problems. The integrated model is illustrated by an example in a clothes firm. The results fined that based on involvement quantitative measures in the best interest of the clothes firm, green supplier S3 should be selected. The conclusion is integrated FAHP, ARAS-F and MCGP-F model can indeed solve the green supplier’s selection problem by simultaneously considering qualitative and quantitative criteria, and also other import goals for decision maker.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 61
- 發表地點: 95
- 學年度: 111
- 計畫案號:
- 論文名稱: What People Talk About Online and What They Intend to Do: Related Perspectives from Text Mining and Path Analysis
- 作者順序: 25
- 期刊名稱: Eurasian Business Review
- 發表卷數: EABR-D-21
- 發表期數: 00382R3
- 發表月份: 5
- 發表年份: 2022
- 摘要: Nowadays, it remains unclear whether the accumulation of Internet buzz can
accurately predict customer preferences and buying intentions. We study two related
perspectives with regard to what people talk about online and what they intend to do in
the adoption phase to offer advice to companies aiming to excel in online marketing
efforts. Drawing on the consumption value theory, we examine buyers’ discussions
about and intention to use wearable devices for a sample of consumers in Taiwan. A
framework is advanced to explore the results of big data analysis employing textmining techniques (i.e., what people talk about) and survey-based research using
structural equation modelling (i.e., what people intend to do). Functional, emotional and
conditional values surfaced as the highest Internet buzzes of wearable devices.
Conversely, emotional, epistemic and functional values emerged as the most influential
drivers of customers’ adoption intention. Our findings suggest that different value
dimensions are relevant at different points of the purchase-related decision-making
process. Some values animate Internet discussions that pertain to the pre-purchase
information search stage, and others appear significant during the formation of
people’s purchase intentions. We discuss the theoretical and practical implications of
our study and provide suggestions for future research.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 61
- 發表地點: 95
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