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羅中展老師的教學平台 - 研究發表 - 乾隆皇帝與梵華樓的興建旨趣探討 |
| 乾隆皇帝與梵華樓的興建旨趣探討乾隆皇帝與梵華樓的興建旨趣探討 Research reason the Qianlong emperor construction of Fanhua pavilion 中華科技大學通識中心助理教授 羅中展 Abstract As we know at Qing Dynasty Emperor Qianlong he is the most powerful emperor in time,he had made a lot of great achieve , his own portrait in the format of Tibet,from daily to he's Management of state affairs,he claim he was not a believer;So for the most of scholars are suspected Emperor Qianlong he's true religion was Tibet Buddhism 。But for the facts he been build a lot of Tibet Buddhism temple and monastery,it is not unusual for a person who is not a believer。 So we can see when he has build many Buddhism temple in the Forbidden City it was made for himself,what was the main objective ?through the construction We can see clear what religion believer was he。 The Fanhua pavilion is located at northeast corner of Forbidden City,it is a courtyard for Qianlong himself after he's retirement ,So why he manufacture this place for what purpose? For we know The Fanhua pavilion is one of six Buddha house , build under Qianlong his will for himself ,It must have some specific reason for emperor ,to explore reason of emperor Qianlong Fanhua pavilion ,so we have to discussion the answer form Buddhism concept ,that is we try to discussion at here。 摘要 紫禁城中的梵華樓為乾隆時期建造最晚的一座六品佛樓,保存最為完整,近年來也得到極為詳細的調查與記錄,由北京故宮博物院出了一套四大本的梵華樓調查圖錄所見,在翻閱之餘,深受感動,也因為有這樣的調查說明出版,研究者得以一窺乾隆皇帝專用佛樓之堂奧。在研讀之餘,不禁有若干想法浮現,在此擬就數點探討,以進一步認識乾隆皇帝建築梵華樓的真正用意。 梵華樓的建設由乾隆帝親自主持,除了皇帝本人全心的投入外;整個修建過程中他以國師章嘉呼圖克圖為顧問,運用其在宗教上的權威地位確認教義上的一系列問題,讓這座皇帝個人專用佛樓做到盡善計盡美。今天由於梵華樓所受到的破壞尚屬輕微,透過現有所見的陳設與佈局安排,在目前看來仍可以清楚的認識其中的宗教作用為何,對當年安排的用心當可以進一步來探討。 目前一般的說明都以乾隆皇帝在雍和宮的御製「喇嘛說」認為皇帝本並無宗教信仰,其尊崇黃教是安眾蒙古,其用心是為安邦定國;但是梵華樓的存在確讓後人看到乾隆的另外一面,本文擬由此進行探討。 關鍵字:乾隆皇帝 藏傳佛教 章嘉呼圖克圖 梵華樓
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