| 期刊論文- 學年度: 93
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: The Reductive Algorithm for Determinant of a Matrix
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 加馬期刊
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 35
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2004
- 摘要: null
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 60
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 96
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 最速降線問題的研究
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 加馬期刊
- 發表卷數: 27-34
- 發表期數: 第38期
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2007
- 摘要: 考慮點A 和位置較低的點B 以一條直線相連,在不考慮摩擦力的前提下,一顆靜止的滾珠由A 點滑向B 點,現在我們直線換成曲線試試看,以哪種線作為路徑,花費的時間可以最少? 花費的時間最少的曲線就稱為最速降線。伽利略認為最速降線必是圓弧,但約翰白努利不認為如此,為了解決這個問題,柏努利開創了變分學這門學問。
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 60
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 98
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 蘆薈修護保濕凝膠製備與使用經驗分析
- 作者順序: 25
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 40
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2009
- 摘要: 化學合成的美容藥物容易引起使用者的皮膚過敏及安全上的顧慮,使得天然美容藥物再度受到重視並掀起研究熱潮。因此,本論文研究天然美容藥物蘆薈修護保濕凝膠的製備,並將製備所得之產品,選取中華技術學院學生40 人為試用者,實施問卷。結果顯示,多數試用者均認為具有優異的保濕功能。
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 99
- 計畫案號: NSC97-2320-B-157- 001-MY3
- 論文名稱: QSAR Studies of 3,3'-(Substituted-benzylidene)-bis-4-hydroxycoumarin,Potential HIV-1 Integrase Inhibitor
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 57
- 發表月份: 9
- 發表年份: 2010
- 摘要: Aseries of biscoumarins against HIV-1 integrase was subjected to quantitative structure-activity relationship
(QSAR) analysis. The result of the study showed that the inhibitory activity, as determined in the
cell culture model, was highly correlated with the electronic (LUMO) and lipophilic effects exhibited by
the substitution (R). The relationship can be expressed by the following regression equation: pIC50 =-1.903+0.442logP–4.504LUMO.
刊物名稱:Journal of the Chinese Chemical Society 頁碼:742-749
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 99
- 計畫案號: NSC97-2320-B-157- 001-MY3
- 論文名稱: 蘆薈面膜製備與使用經驗分析
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 43
- 發表月份: 4
- 發表年份: 2010
- 摘要: 面膜的應用對皮膚的美容具有多重的功效,如:清潔去角質、緩解發炎與除皺等。因此,在本論文中報告一款容易製備、價廉且有效的蘆薈面膜,以解決冬天皮膚乾燥的問題。本產品經由中華科技大學學生40 人為試用,並實施問卷,認為具有優異的保濕功能。The beneficial effects of a facial mask are many. They can cleanse and peel-offouter layers of skin, soothe and calm inflammation, and act as an anti-wrinkle treatment.In this article, we report the preparation of an easy making Aloe Facial Mask, which are an effective and inexpensive solution to the dry, dull skin of winter. Forties students from China University of Science and Technology have been chosen randomly to evaluate the cosmetically functions and are thought to be with excellence on the emollient function.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 100
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 香橙磨砂去角質凝膠製備與使用經驗分析
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 46
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2011
- 摘要: 由於化學合成的美容藥物容易引起使用者的皮膚過敏及安全上的顧慮,天然美容藥物再度受到重視並掀起研究熱潮,由於天然柳橙富含美顏與醫療成分,本論文闡述製作柳橙萃取液與配製橙香磨砂去角質凝膠美容產品的方法。製作之產品經由隨機抽選23位中華科技大學學生作為試用者,以模糊語意尺度問卷調查,並配合統計分析,得到的結論是本產品具有優異的清潔功能,非常適合做為面部的清潔及去角質之使用。
Owing to the fact that synthetic cosmetics are prone to cause allergies and safety
problems, natural cosmetics are now gaining more public attention, and thus have
become a hot topic for research study in recent years. As rich active ingredients in citrus,
this paper describes both the extraction from citrus and preparation of the cosmetic
product, Citrus Exfoliating Scrub Gel (CESG). Twenty-three students from China
University of Science and Technology were selected randomly to examine the cosmetic
value of CESG. A fuzzy linguistic scale assessment questionnaire was conducted along
with a statistical analysis. The result of this research concludes that the CESG product is
not only excellent in facial cleansing, but also suitable for exfoliation.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 100
- 計畫案號: 0
- 論文名稱: 抑制劑Benzaldehyde-O-alkyloximesalkyloximes 對酪胺酸酶活性抑制QSAR模型
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 48
- 發表月份: 7
- 發表年份: 2011
- 摘要: 本研究利用路徑分析(path analysis)與多元廻歸方程式(multiple regression analysis)探討酪胺酸酶抑制劑benzaldehyde-O-alkyloximes 之化學結構與生物活性之關係,並建立量化構效關係(quantitative structure activity relationship, QSAR)模型。由研究模型發現酪胺酸酶活性抑制大小與抑制劑化學分子芳香環上氫原子方
也稍有間接的影響, 最佳的化學結構與生物活性QSAR 模型為:IC50 = -1.264 +2.046HR145 +0.055PSA +0.429Dipole
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 100
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: The Effect of Online English Proficiency Practice Tests
- 作者順序: 25
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 49
- 發表月份: 10
- 發表年份: 2011
- 摘要: This study intends to examine the effect of online English proficiency practice tests on low-proficiency EFL Learners’ achievement. To fulfill this purpose, a web-based
exercise platform—the General English Proficiency Practice Tests was employed. Two groups of freshman students at China University of Science and Technology
participated in this study. In addition to traditional in-class instruction administered to both groups, students of the experimental group were requested to take 6 times of
online English proficiency practice tests for the duration of two semesters, while students of the control group received none of the extra online practice test training.
The instruments used in this study include a pre-test, a post-test, and an attitude questionnaire. Data collected from the pre-test and post-test, which were administered
to both groups, was processed with t-test and one-way ANCOVA. The factor analysis was applied to analyze the participants’ responses to the questionnaire. The results of
the analysis showed an insignificant interaction between the effect of online English proficiency practice test training and low-proficiency EFL learners’ achievement.
However, the findings of the survey were in consistent with previous studies, which indicated that flexibility and autonomy were the primary attractions of online English
proficiency practice tests. Pedagogical implications of the findings will be discussed, and suggestions will be proposed for future study.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 100
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 年輕族群精品購買意願之影響因素模式分析
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 49
- 發表月份: 10
- 發表年份: 2011
- 摘要: 近年來台灣消費市場陷入名牌精品搶購風潮,不但中產階級的消費者開始消費精品,媒體爭相報導之下,連沒有經濟能力的年輕族群也成為消費的主要族群之一。這些年輕人購買名牌精品的動機為何?什麼樣的年輕消費者喜歡購買精品?本研究利用人口特徵、知覺價值及生活型態等變數,採用結構方程模式分析影響精品購買意願之因素。人口特徵變數可能由於稍微不符合常態性,在模式適配過程出現無法識別問題,故將人口變數捨去,最後整體模式適配度均達到理想指標。研究結果消費者之生活型態對購買意願有正面顯著影響,且以積極享受子構面對
In recent years, Taiwan's consumer market has fallen into a brand-name purchasing craze. Not only do the middle-class consumers start purchasing brand-name goods,thanks to media hype, but young people in poor economic state have sprung up in the past few years as one of the major consumer groups. What is the young people's motivation for buying brand-name goods? What kind of young consumers are likely to buy brand-name products? This paper intends to study, with the analysis of structural equation modeling, the effect of factors—demographic characteristics, perception values as well as lifestyles on young population's brand name purchasing intention. The demographic characteristic factor is removed from consideration because it does notconform to normality. The results of this study show that it is the lifestyle that plays a significant role in consumers' purchasing intention. Brand awareness, though not as significant, is another key factor in affecting people's purchasing intention.P79~P98
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 101
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 定量構效關係模型建構方法-以HIV整合酶抑制劑香豆素為例
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 52
- 發表月份: 7
- 發表年份: 2012
- 摘要: 定量構效關係(QSAR)是一個演算程序,將一批類似的化合物的化學結構進行了定量相關性並以方程式形式表達的過程。例如,生物活性可表達成為對於生物反應達一定的程度之需求濃度,若生物活性以物理、化學參數或結構用數字來表示,形成一種數學方程式關係,這就是所謂定量構效關係。此數學方程式可用來預測生物反應其他化學結構。一般的構效關係之數學形式常表達為:生物活性= f (親水(油)性參數, 電子參數, 空間參數)
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 101
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 防曬知識之認知與防曬措施習慣之調查-以中華科技大學學生為例
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 52
- 發表月份: 7
- 發表年份: 2012
- 摘要: 環保署環境監測及資訊處指出,由於臭氧層的破壞,紫外線指數正逐年增加,紫外線無論是晴天、陰天或雨天都可以毫無感覺地照射到皮膚,而多數大眾對於紫外線對人體造成的危害,多不甚了解,本研究設計問卷並以中華科技大學學生為對象,調查大學學生對紫外線及其危害知識是否有充分的認知,並瞭解他們對防曬的措施與觀念。本研究依結論提出討論與建議,期能作日後防曬教育之參考。
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 101
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: A Study of Vocabulary Learning Through Web-based Word Data Bank
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 52
- 發表月份: 7
- 發表年份: 2012
- 摘要: This study aims to investigate the effect of online word data bank on EFL learners’vocabulary learning. To fulfill the purpose of this study, a web-based learning platform—a vocabulary database consisted of 3,000 words was constructed. The participants were 252 college freshmen at China University of Science and Technology. These students come from three different levels of English classes—beginning level, mediocre level, & advanced level. All participating students were expected to study the target words independently, and were required to take three vocabulary tests throughout the term. The research instruments used in this study include a pre-test, a post-test, and an evaluation questionnaire. Data collected from the pre-test and post-test was processed with pair-sample t-test. The factor analysis was applied to analyze the participants’ responses to the questionnaire. The results of the study indicated that students at three different levels of proficiency had all shown significant progress on vocabulary learning after a four-month period of online self-study. The learners’improved mean scores in the post-test supported the claim that such a web-based vocabulary learning tool could aid EFL learners in achieving vocabulary gains. Similarly, feedback from the evaluation questionnaire also revealed students’ overall positive perception of the online vocabulary learning program. Despite this, it should be noted that there are some limitations of this study which will be pointed out for future research. Pedagogical implications drawn from this study will be discussed as well.
中華學報第52期 PP95~117
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 102
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: A Dynamic Model for an Optimal Price Promotion Strategy of New Products for Retailers
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: The Journal of Global Business Management
- 發表卷數: 2
- 發表期數: 9
- 發表月份: 6
- 發表年份: 2013
- 摘要: In this paper, we intend to create a dynamic model through a simple mathematical assumption by applying the variables of time and promotion expenses to linear demand equation in economics. In the process of research, we use the Euler-Lagrange equation in the Calculus of Variations in an attempt to develop a dynamic model for an optimal price promotion strategy. Finally, after having gotten the best equation, we adopt the
sensitivity analysis to find out the correlation between decision variables and parameters. The findings of the current study can serve as an aid in improving the basis for management decision making.
The Journal of Global Business Management is a refereed international academic journal that publishes the scientific research findings in their field. JGBM is listed in ABI/ ProQuest, EBSCO, CABELL’S and ULRICH’S DIRECTORIES. The ISSN number issued by the ISSN INTERNATIONAL CENTRE, FRANCE is 1817-3179. The headquarters of JGBM is located in Oregon, U.S.A.
The Journal of Global Business Management, Vol. 9, Num. 2, June 2013 issue, special edition. PP.42~52
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 95
- 學年度: 103
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: The Use of the Mother Tongue in Chinese EFL Classrooms
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 58
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2013
- 摘要: The issue of whether the learners’ mother tongue should be used in the classroom has always been a subject of ongoing discussion by many researchers. This paper attempts to investigate the use of Chinese (L1) in English classes at a tertiary level. The main objectives were to examine the purposes of L1 use and the attitudes of Taiwanese technological students towards the use of Chinese in the EFL classrooms. The participants were 510 undergraduate students at China University of Science and Technology. Data were collected through a questionnaire with two types of multiple-choice questions—single response and multiple response. The results indicated that the use of Chinese was for defining new vocabulary words, explaining grammar rules, clarifying difficult concepts, and lastly checking for comprehension, and that a balanced and judicious use of L1 in the EFL classrooms by both teachers and students can be useful in the language learning process and may even be essential to increase learners’ comprehension.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 104
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: A Pragmatic Study of the Speech Act of Polite Requests for Action
- 作者順序: 25
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 0
- 發表期數: 61
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2015
- 摘要: Journal of China University of Science and Technology(中華學報)Vol.61-2015.01
In everyday interactions, people constantly create utterances to achieve certain communicative intentions. One of these interactional goals is represented by the speech act of requests. This paper aims to explore the politeness of request speech act by investigating the patterns used by native English speakers. The subjects were ten native English speakers with diverse backgrounds, ages, and experiences. Of the ten subjects, six were males and four were females. To elicit data, interview questions made up of ten hypothetical situations were conducted, in which the subjects were asked to give their responses orally towards the contextualized situations. The findings revealed that native speakers were generally courteous in making their requests, that their use of politeness strategies were usually varied according to social and situational factors as well as cultural norms, that there were no gender differences in the use of polite request forms, and that the interrogative mood with either a present or past tense modal was most frequently employed by native English speakers.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 104
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: Google地圖輔助建立7-11便利商店營收模型
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 64
- 發表月份: 10
- 發表年份: 2015
- 摘要: 便利超商業到目前為止都持續在成長,而7-11又是所有超商中最具競爭力的一家,我們發現7-11開店的地點與周邊競爭者對於超商營收有非常大的影響,於是定義了兩個變數,一個叫做”立地價值”-以店面的租金代表。另一個稱為「版圖領域」 -與附近周邊的競爭者有關,透過Google地圖與面積計算求得。
我們以二個變數作為參數,超商營收作為應變數進行廻歸分析,其迴歸方程式說明了”立地價值”與”版圖領域”是估計營業額最重要的兩大因子,此結果可以做為未來加盟創業前,找尋店面地點以預估營業額之參考。中華學報 PP105~125
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 106
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 時態之實證研究
- 作者順序: 25
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 69
- 發表月份: 1
- 發表年份: 2017
- 摘要: Without morphological tense marking devices in Mandarin Chinese, most Chinese
ESL/EFL learners seem to have great difficulties mastering the tense system in the
beginning of learning the target language. To express temporality, Chinese ESL/EFL
learners tend to depend mainly on temporal adverbials, aspectual markers as well as
pragmatic principles during the process of acquiring tense marking. Hence this study
attempts to investigate whether or not 1) the amount of tense errors that learners make is
related to their level of English proficiency, and 2) the kinds of tense errors that learners
make is related to their level of proficiency. The subjects were four Chinese ESL
learners, two of whom were at Intermediate Level (IML I & II) and two at Beginning
Level (BL I & II). Informal interviews were conducted in natural contexts by a native
speaker of American English. The purpose of the interview was simply to get each
subject to talk as much as they possibly could. Each interview was then transcribed in
English orthography by the researcher. The findings revealed that all subjects, despite
their different levels of proficiency, seemed to have great trouble with past tense
marking. In examining the subjects’ oral production data, it is discovered that they often
used present tense in utterances where the past tense should have been employed, that
they were inclined to shift occasionally from one tense to another, and thus produced
tense errors. However, they all showed greater strength in producing the present tense.
In spite of this, it should be noted that there are some limitations of this study which
will be pointed out for future research work. Some pedagogical implications drawn
from this study will be discussed as well.
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 108
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 台灣印刷業產值成長與衰退的研究
- 作者順序: 23
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 78
- 發表月份: 12
- 發表年份: 2019
- 摘要: 台灣印刷業由日治時代到國民政府播遷來台曾經盛極一時,歷經多次衰退直到 2011 來到高峰,直到今天已經連續衰退了 8 年,本研究採用多元迴歸方法建立模型,發現製造業生產指數對印刷業產值有正面且顯著的影響,由於近十年以來上網人口逐年上升,閱讀習慣漸漸改變,出版業漸漸式微,換來的是大量電子書與影音媒體,上網使用人口對印刷業產值有負面且顯著的影響,本研究將印刷業30 年來的產值以時間序列的方式進行分析,發現製造業生產指數與印刷業產值有共整合關係,表示兩者之間存在著長期穩定的關係,製造業生產指數至今還在成長,相信不久的將來印刷業將走出衰退重返過去的榮景,最後也對印刷產業提出建議。
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 108
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 探討白腐菌對偶氮染料的脫色效果
- 作者順序: 24
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 78
- 發表月份: 12
- 發表年份: 2019
- 摘要: 紡織業所排放的染料廢水對環境帶來嚴重的破壞。本研究利用白腐菌對紡織業染料中甲基紅及甲基橙進行脫色效率評估,利用中央合成設計應用於有效因子尋找實驗方法及最適化條件。設定不同濃度的染料濃度、馬鈴薯葡萄糖培養基濃度、溫度及 pH 值來進行甲基紅及甲基橙脫色試驗分析,進行反應曲面法最佳化設計。由實驗結果觀察白腐菌對甲基紅及甲基橙的脫色速率隨溫度及 pH 增加而提升,在pH 值接近 7.0 及溫度接近 30℃,有利於白腐菌對甲基紅及甲基橙之脫色效果。
- 通訊作者: N
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94
- 學年度: 109
- 計畫案號: 無
- 論文名稱: 大學生身心適應情形與課餘時間安排分析-以中華科技大學大一學生為例
- 作者順序: 25
- 期刊名稱: 中華科技大學學報
- 發表卷數: 無
- 發表期數: 79
- 發表月份: 5
- 發表年份: 2020
- 摘要: 本研究以「大學生身心適應調查表」配合自行設計之「學生課餘時間安排模糊」問卷,對中華科技大學一年級學生實施測抽測,發現大學生打工比例高、平日耗在3C用品時間多,金錢不敷使用,睡眠不足等問題。本文以結構方程式建立學生困擾模型,發現模式各項指標適配度良好,研究結果為大一學生困擾的主因在於時間規劃分配、生涯目標不確定、感情情緒空虛。針對上述之研究結果,本研究提出建議。
- 通訊作者: Y
- 發表形式: 75
- 發表地點: 94