【課程 ppt 下載】 https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1vLDr69TjeW4sb9NJtf67OmXpOZtCBG-n?usp=sharing [LINK]
一、 Videos 1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=26QPDBe-NB8
2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vBURTt97EkA&t=344s
二、Courses-Videos 1. 聯合大學 陳士杰 http://debussy.im.nuu.edu.tw/sjchen/OS_Final.html
課堂教材與教學影音 | 正課教學錄影 | Slide | | Course 0 課程簡介與課前必備名詞
| | | Course 1. 作業系統簡介 | | | Course 2. 電腦系統架構 | | | Course 3. 作業系統架構 | | | Course 4. 行程管理 - 第二片錄音較不清楚 | | | Course 5. 執行緒管理 | | | Course 6. 死結 | | | Course 7. 行程間溝通 | | | Course 8. 記憶體管理 | | | Course 9. 虛擬記憶體 | | | Course 10. 磁碟與檔案管理 | |
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3. CS 6200: Introduction to Operating Systems Course Videos (Georgia Tech)https://omscs.gatech.edu/cs-6200-introduction-operating-systems-course-videos
P1L1: Course Overview P1L2: Introduction To Operating Systems P2L1: Processes And Process Management P2L2: Threads And Concurrency P2L3: Threads Case Study: PThreads P2L4: Thread Design Considerations P2L5: Thread Performance Considerations P3L1: Scheduling P3L2: Memory Management P3L3: Inter-Process Communication P3L4: Synchronization Constructs P3L5: I/O Management P3L6: Virtualization P4L1: Remote Procedure Calls P4L2: Distributed File Systems P4L3: Distributed Shared Memory P4L4: Datacenter Technologies
4. 中正大學 ppt https://www.cs.ccu.edu.tw/~shiwulo/course/2019-os/
5. 杰哥數位教室 作業系統 (聯大 陳士杰 師)76 部影片,2023