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    Tree (CH06) (期末分組)

    # Binarytree Module in Python
    A binary tree is a data structure in which every node or vertex has atmost two children.
    In Python, a binary tree can be represented in different ways with different data structures(dictionary, list) and class representation for a node.
    However, binarytree library helps to directly implement a binary tree. It also supports heap and binary search tree(BST). This module does not come pre-installed with Python’s standard utility module. To install it type the below command in the terminal.
    pip install binarytree
    Creating Node
    The node class represents the structure of a particular node in the binary tree. The attributes of this class are values, left, right.

    Syntax: binarytree.Node(value, left=None, right=None)
    value: Contains the data for a node. This value must be number.
    left: Conatins the details of left node child.
    right: Contains details of the right node child
    Note: If left or right child node is not an instance of binarytree.Node class then binarytree.exceptions.NodeTypeError is raised and if the node value is not a number then binarytree.exceptions.NodeValueError is raised.
    # This is ch06-tree.py by 0000000XXX (學號) YYYYYY(姓名) on 2020/06/05
    # This is 展示 Bibary tree (二元樹)的實作
    # 程式的前兩行務必註明:學號、姓名、題號、及用途

    from binarytree import Node
    root = Node(3)
    root.left = Node(6)
    root.right = Node(8)

    # Getting binary tree
    print('Binary tree (二元樹) :', root)
    # Getting list of nodes
    print('List of nodes (列出節點) :', list(root))
    # Getting inorder of nodes
    print('Inorder of nodes (節點的中序) :', root.inorder)
    # Checking tree properties
    print('Size of tree (樹的大小) :', root.size)
    print('Height of tree (樹的高度):', root.height)
    # Get all properties at once
    print('Properties of tree (樹的屬性): \n', root.properties)

    # EX6-1. 從一個 list 的 10 個數值 依序填滿建立一個二元樹,並印出其值。
    # 使用 from binarytree import build
    # EX6-2. 輸入樹高,建立一個亂數數值的二元樹,並印出其值。
    # 使用 from binarytree import tree
    # EX6-3. 輸入樹高,建立一個二元搜尋樹,並印出其值。
    # 使用 from binarytree import bst
    # EX6-4. 輸入樹高,建立一個二元搜尋樹,並印出其值。
    # 使用 from binarytree import heap
    # EX6-5. 使用前序追蹤該二元樹 (MLR)
    # EX6-6. 使用中序追蹤該二元樹 (LMR)
    # EX6-7. 使用後序追蹤該二元樹 (LRM)

    # This is ch06-tree.py by 0000000XXX (學號) YYYYYY(姓名) on 2020/06/05
    # This is 展示 Bibary tree (二元樹)的實作
    # 程式的前兩行務必註明:學號、姓名、題號、及用途

    # EX6-2. 輸入樹高,建立一個亂數數值的二元樹,並印出其值。
    # 使用 from binarytree import tree
    Build a random binary tree
    tree() generates a random binary tree and returns its root node.

    Syntax: binarytree.tree(height=3, is_perfect=False)

    height: It is the height of the tree and its value can be between the range 0-9 (inclusive)
    is_perfect: If set True a perfect binary is created.

    Returns: Root node of the binary tree.

    from binarytree import tree
    print ('Ex6-2 \n')
    # Create a random binary
    # tree of any height

    root3 = tree(height = 3,
    is_perfect = True)
    print("Perfect binary tree of given height :")

    # 建立 樹的節點
    from binarytree import Node
    root = Node(3)
    root.left = Node(6)
    root.right = Node(8)
    root[1] = Node(5)
    root[1].left = Node(15)
    root[1].right = Node(7)
    root[2] = Node(9)
    root[2].left = Node(10)
    root[2].right = Node(2)

    for i in range (0,3,1):
    print('%d \n' % i)
    print (root[i])
    print (root[i].left)
    print (root[i].right)
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